Re-organizing my home studio… but it turns out other things have to be tackled first.

Marie Kondo for real.

Lately I have found when I come home, from the ceramic studio, I can’t relax, be at ease, or just genuinely calm down.

In my apartment, all my day space is connected: my piano, living/TV room, dining table, kitchen and home studio all flow into each other. This configuration of one large open space is great, but only so when there is no clutter.

Which of course for an art studio/DIY space is just about impossible.

A big space with lots of materials: paints, paintbrushes, papers and other surfaces, glues&tapes but also mosaics, leatherwork tools, lino cutting materials,

sewing & embroidery and even hardware tools… You could call it an art shop.

4 years ago, I had broken a wrist and could not do any ceramic work. With no “escape to my studio” the home clutter, more precisely my home art studio, was just too much for my happiness and nerves. In comes a professional organizer who sorted the home studio out together with me. That area alone, took us days and my wallet got dented for all the hours of help.

The result was nice, my studio space was decluttered, but…

Only for a while …

So now, 4 years later, am I not quite back at square one, but still, I am not in a peaceful zone. And then there are… books. Literally a never ending story, not helping the matter.  Not even mentioning a messy desk, dining table, a collection of glass vases in 3 different places, idem with music scores, … 

So, this time round I want to go bigger, larger and more thorough: the whole house/appartement!

Mostly because with the one large open space I described above, the need of an “overall system” is needed.

I decide on the one and only “whole house” approach I know of, yes, the “Japanese Spark Joy System”, in other words, The KonMari Method.

I kind of “had a go” with my wardrobe myself after reading her book and binge watching her series on Netflix. I have experienced her folding method and yes, it works! 

So if, at least that works, maybe her “whole” method might be the answer?

In comes, no, not Mari Kondo herself, but I can honestly say, her Belgian version, Tessy: a petite, lovely young lady (mom of one year old boy) with very neat small gestures, clear and steady voice, who takes time to see, question and hear what is going on. She is KonMari licenced.

She actually takes time to know why I need/want to tackle everything/the whole house.

Remember my previous post. Not on a first level of “it is nice to have no clutter”, but the next and the next level all the way down to: why do I REALLY want/need it to be more organized?

After that she assures me, I am not a looser (since I could not keep up after my first attempt), life does kick in and the clutter does “happen”, and yes, we will tackle ALL of it (the main reason my previous declutter did not keep standing) and yes, it can be done without breaking the bank and this system is for the rest of my life!

I’m in! Since I am buying into a method, I have to go by the script. The first category of “stuff” is clothes. The studio will have to wait.

We got through the clothes. At least most of it.

When she leaves, I still have some “subcategories” to handle: gloves&scarves, underwear, socks&panties, handbags. But I feel very well “equipped” to handle them and do so with gusto and joy.

The “spark joy” that I could not “grasp” before we started is indeed fundamental.  It is not a “funny, happy clappy, lollipop” kind of thing.  No, this is THE key and one and only reason things should be in my house/studio/wardrobe.

My dear friends, my wardrobe is now a proper clothing shop. Although, not filled to the brim and not a MarieClaire “in fashion” selection, it is nice!

I now only have garments and accessories that fit me, materials my skin agrees with, colors I love, and, most important, I really know what I do have and all of it is 100% wearable and I know I will wear and use.

All can be seen at a glance, and being an artist, all is organized by color. ;-) My most colorful handbags are hung so I can see/enjoy them each time I open the wardrobe.

I have now empty shells and space. 

My sister, who saw the result, kind of freaked out: are you sure you have not given away too much?!? I must admit I donated because I can’t cope with bargaining for just a few Euro’s and meeting pick-up schedules. But there is no waste. 

I will now purchase with a specific purpose, in a needed color and therefor be able to make a good decision while shopping.

I can open the wardrobe without being overwhelmed and scared and lost and guilt ridden by all that is/was in there. My bedroom is now a calm place and it does spark joy!

These empty shells and spaces, give me space to breath.

I can’t wait to tackle my books (second category) in 10 days time.

Another side effect: I have now tackled, in the ceramic studio a project of a vase I have been wanting to make for so long… 

As if, I am freeing up space in my head too, for ceramic work that really sparks joy.



