Procrastination 1

Glazing and procrastination go hand in hand.

I often get requests to fire pieces for people who do not have a kiln. The piece has been sitting there for ages but now a birthday is coming up and all of a sudden it is urgent. Only… the piece never got glazed in the first place. 

So, after getting the piece to my studio, the next question is “what glaze will I use?” and it ends with “please, will you do it for me? I am too afraid of this.”

Luckily, I have mastered the “glazing-procrastination” and I will show you how you can conquer any procrastination situation

Procrastinations happens when one or rather a chain of these urges come up: I “need” to check mail, I “just have to” make a phone call, I “must” clean the whole studio storage, and, I “will only” do one errand. The last one is great because you get to leave the studio and feels like time well spent.

Not so. It is a running away … 

Procrastination has one definition: “I will do it later, tomorrow, whenever, anytime, but not now.”

Over the years I have found reasons to procrastinate are various.

A possible procrastination onset might be a physical one. I am cold or just tired and cannot get going because of that. A hot chocolate, tea or a nap are an easy fix.

The next reason for procrastination might be a dilemma that goes on and on.

To decide on a colour is a good example. The fix here is to get as “real” as possible and to “get a second opinion”.

In this case: do I have the glaze colour I want for the right temperature? Find out. Clean out your glaze shelf. Check catalogue. Search the net. Not sure of the colour, ask “somebody else’s opinion”. 

That is where a studio-mate is fantastic! Ion and I bounce off each other a lot.

The last and worst procrastination reason is psychological and almost always boils down to some sort of fear. You know what has to be done, but you just are not picking up the first tool to get somewhere. Often this goes on for days, weeks and I have known of unglazed pieces for years (luckily not me!) The only help here is to dig into your soul and dig deep.

And I mean very deep.

Start with main question: what job are you procrastinating for, what is not getting done?

Answer: glazing 

1st “ Because ? ” Answer: I am afraid I will not get the right glaze consistency. It will drip off, or there might not be enough.

2nd “ Because ? ” Answer: glaze consistency is not an exact science, and it is sort of a lucky shot to get it right.

3rd “ Because ? ” Answer: because my testing has not been very accurate and I count on my lucky kiln stars to get it right for me… 

4th “ Because ? ” Answer: I am too lazy to make the test tiles, keep track, know what I am doing (sort of ;-).

Now that hurts!

But that is the solution!

And there you have it!

Counting on “kiln-luck” is about the craziest thing a ceramist can do … Kilns are very unpredictable, even with the best of preparations and testing, temperature control, … surprises do happen! And you know that and it adds to your fear.

No wonder you are procrastinating.

So, the solution is to get testing ASAP!

Make small test tiles, read the labels on the glaze jars or bags (if you buy them dry), find a ceramist in your neighborhood. Sometimes you are still not motivated, or, the motivation is very short lived. It might be that a “because-answer” is not heartfelt. Go over the questions, especially the last one, and add another level. Maybe a 5th or even a 6th !

Keep digging until you basically “jump (back) into action”.

Procrastination runs deep and the longer is has been going on, the deeper the real issue lies.

I have used the “because method” for lots of procrastination situations in my life and have found that at least 4 levels are needed to get to the bottom of the issue at hand. Doing only 3 levels, has often left me stranded and led me right back to “not now”. I use it in the studio but also at home. Actually, with any item that has been on my to-do list for too long.  It starts with the question: why is that still on my list? For a lot of practical solutions, how to dos, addresses, you can count on the internet! 

The only downfall: do not procrastinate surfing the net.  

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Safari Episode 4