Ceramic mobile.

This week I had to do something “quick and easy”. I ordered some glazes online but the parcel got lost. This means my marine life vases have to wait. So, I need a “fill the gap”-project.

Recently, I have been thinking that the studio needs “something dynamic”, something hanging from the ceiling. But what? Then I came upon this adorable vintage children’s song book with a swallow on the cover. The “swallow idea” itself, has been with me for a long time! 

I once saw a Japanese quilt all hand stitched with a swallow pattern. A deep indigo fabric with a simple white outline of a swallow motive, known as Sashiko needlework. I remember thinking: one day I will use that motive.

Their distinctive shape of the round wing and “V” shaped tail, ever so easy to recognize and make for great graphics. Besides they are fun to watch: they skid above the water, they are so agile in the sky, and the speed at which they fly in and out of a stable to get to their nest in the upper corner, is amazing to see.

All these thoughts combined, brought along the idea of a “swallow mobile”.

The season too helps: these birds are reminiscent of the summer.

Now, up and onwards with the “making of”.

Paper porcelain is an obvious choice of material: white and lightweight since you can roll very thin slabs. To make it interesting, I decided on different shapes and on glazing one side, to get some shimmer.

For the hanging structure, I searched on the internet and did find one to hang pictures on. The clips are strong and hold my porcelain figures well. The little holes I foresaw to put a hanging thread through, was not even necessary. Couldn’t be easier!

But Ion, my studio partner, thought it was far too “heavy” with those clips. Off came the clips, I replaced it with some nylon threads, used the foreseen holes, and I must admit, it looks better.

An extra nice little effect is that as the mobile moves and the birds collide, it gives such a beautiful sound.

As porcelain is so fragile and things do brake in the making process, I did make a few spares. These “left overs”, I hung on a plant’s basket. I will use them as small gifts. 

When it was all done, I told my friend Jo, also a ceramist, living in London, of this easy project and that it felt a bit “simple”.  She replies: “simple can be good (and is here)!”. 

My dear friends, how lovely is that?!? I wish you can all have a friend like Jo!

Please find enclosed my shapes of the swallows to use for whatever project you want. Simply Click on the desired image to get the full size and right click to download.


My Golden Monkey.


Marie Kondo 2